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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nursing Gazette Site Analysis

Nursing Gazette

Of all our site projects, Nursing Gazette (short for NG) seems to be the most successful. This site was first introduced on October 9, 2007, and had began with only 2-5 visitors. Following a week thereafter, it had increased significantly to 20, and now, is maintaining its course at around 40-80 hits a day.

Despite of the fair traffic that it receives daily, however, NG has a low user interaction, and a high bounce rate. Moreover, updates have slowed down since it lacked personnel.

However, we could suffice the bad side of the site with a constant stream of subscriptions and referrals. This certainly shows that some people had found this site to be helpful and reliable.

Site Statistics

Estimated Daily Hits: 40-80 uniques
Highest Number of Subscriptions: 28
Overall Hit Count: 9000+ (March 2008)

Future Plans

We plan to improve the site by providing more articles, and by improving our database. We also plan to create a new design for the site, and fixed some codes that cause the site to display erroneously on some browsers. The date of the site overhaul is still unknown, but we will be conducting it within 2008.